
Timed urinary microalbumin

Timed urinary microalbumin


This test requires a correctly timed urine specimen.  It is important to note the starting time, the finishing time and to collect all the urine passed during that period.  The time of the period is very important (overnight collection is best).

To start the collection (before going to bed is often the most convenient):

  • Empty bladder and discard urine
  • Write down the exact time (e.g. 10:20pm) on the label of the collection container.
  1. Collect any urine passed during the night into the collection container provided ( do not write theses collection times down)
  2. To finish the collection (the first void after rising in the morning is usually convenient):
  • Empty bladder into the collection container provided
  • Write down the exact time (e.g. 7:05am) on the label of the collection container

Note: It is important that the only times written on the collection container label are the start and finish times of the test.  (Any other times will only cause unnecessary confusion).

Important – Specimen labeling and delivery:

  • Ensure full first and last names and date of birth (dd/mm/yy) are clearly written on the specimen container.
  • Ensure date and time of collection is written on the request form and specimen container.

For further information, please call 09 574 7399

Date Issued: 13/03/2023 PCS-PI-010
Authorised by: Operations Manager